Busy busy busy

I've been really busy lately with non-sewing stuff. :(
I started a fitness challenge with a few of my co-workers at the beginning of April and it has soaked up a lot of my free time. My husband started it out with me as well, but stopped after a week since he already had his own work-out routine and wasn't interested in all the extras he'd have to do. After four weeks I've definitely noticed a difference. I've lost 3 whole pounds. Yay?! My husband lost 13 pounds. (bugger!)
I was really hoping to lose 10 but I suppose that's an unrealistic goal. I definitely feel healthier which is good and I do plan on continuing to exercise and track what I eat. Hopefully my new 'lifestyle' will reward me with several more pounds leaving me for good. The challenge is up in 2 days and I'm hoping to get some serious sewing done. Especially since Skirt Week is coming up at Crafterhours! I've got some fabric on the way and a couple of skirt ideas bouncing around in my head.


Lots more to come in the month of May. :)

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