I've finished up two more blocks for the paper-pieceing Quilt Bee I am a part of over on Flickr.
Quilt Block #2 |
Quilt Block #3 |
As I'm sewing the third quilt block I was hit with a 'eureka!' moment. Up until this point I've been questioning whether or not I really should have joined the Bee. Seeing each of the blocks that the individuals in the Bee were selecting, I was wondering how in the world would the 6 blocks I received even go together despite having a similar color scheme. I'm so infernally picky about the things I make it's almost silly the amount of time I spend getting it 'just right'. Will I even be able to use these blocks together?
Sewing my test block and block #2 were not making me feel any better. My test block failed to show the great star design because the fabrics I'd chosen were too similar. Quilt block #2 was definitely better but the center seam is off and I'm not sure using the patterned fabric as the 'background' really does the star any justice either. I may actually re-do that one. Then block #3 came along and I finally got it! I am absolutely in LOVE with block #3. There are SO many things I learned while doing this block.
What did I learn?
Placement of each fabric in relation to the others. Having a solid colored fabric connect to one with a white background made each of the fabrics noticeable and made the star design really shine (wink wink).
Each block consists of four 6 1/2" blocks, I learned that cutting the two inner sides at 6 1/4" and the other two outer sides at 6 1/2" gave me perfect alignment for sewing the four blocks together while still giving me enough fabric on the outside to square the final larger block into 12 1/2".
Tearing off the paper is the very last step. I tore the paper off block #2 before putting the four smaller blocks together and the points & center suffered because of it.
Being in the Bee was DEFINITELY a good choice. Being challenged to come up with the same block in different color schemes is a fantastic way to learn how to work with color, push yourself outside of your comfort zone and try something new. Additionally it really forces you to practice practice practice, something I'm never patient enough to do with my own projects.
This is such a valuable experience and I'm really looking forward to seeing how each lady completes her block and see what inspirations I can get from them even if I don't end up using all 6 blocks together in the same final product.